Wednesday, September 26, 2012

High Tea ....

I remember the High Teas we used to have ....
Good fun ...
All the and goodies ...
Games of Tambola ....
Winning always ...
Sandwiches and fritters ....
That was life ....
What to wear .....
All the pearls displayed ....
table manners ...
Etiquette's .... imperative ,...
Isn't that life is all about ....
Style ... Impeccable style ...
Persona and Personality ...
Character and characterization ...
Loved the security that followed ..
The VIP treatment ...
We were the VVIPs always....
Weren't we?
We still are ...
Wherever we go ... people still salute us...
That's called personality...
When a DGP also stands up to respect a LADY.

Coming back to High Tea....
Strawberry shortcakes ...
Victoria sandwiches ...
The kisses in the air ...
All so old fashioned ...
But with style ...
Grooming to the core ...
That's how the elite live ...
That's how we live.

The tea served in teapots...
Sugar cubes besides ...
Milk poured to the right consistency ...
In tea cups and saucers of fine bone china....
Swarovsky crystals and Lladro porcelain discussed ...
So would discussions on politics be ...
Politics within the ranks...
It was fun ...
Not about the gifts or false pretenses ...
But more so of time spent ....
In knowing and observing human behaviour.

High Tea ...
At Rajbhavan  ....
An honour few get invited for ...
High Tea at Rashtrapati Bhavan....
An honour indeed.

Have seen it all ...
The good life ...
And, imagine was about to give it all up for a junkie ....
Nah... just in the nick of time ...
Realised MY MISTAKE ...

Can't forget my roots for a roadside Romeo ....
The Royals do not interact with the Commons .....
Oops I meant CONMAN.

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