Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Tinka tinka .... bikhar gaya ....

I didn't keep the Teej for HIM,
Nor will I keep the Karvachauth for HIM ....
HE belongs to another now ....
I never trespass on private property ....
There is no family ....
Just me and my baggage ...
Read my blogposts as they come ...
They are just an expression of the state of mind ...
That's all ...
Not an attempt to get back again ....
I never retrack my steps ...
Nor do I follow a path ....
I create new paths ...
I never tread on ones used before....
If ever I do by mistake ....
I change course ... of course ...
Never off course in my beliefs and principles.
There's lots .... in times to come ...
You will get a glimpse of it all.

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