Monday, September 10, 2012

He still meets her .... On a full moon night

In the name of work ...
He used to come to meet her ...
He still does ...
She believes him ...
So sad....
She knows not of his whereabouts ....
What he does and under what guise ...
She still blindly believes him ...
Not knowing the full moon turns him on ...
The moon ....
Yes, the moon ...
That's when he remains absent from her life ....
Give her the nightmares ....
Notice, how insecure she is .....
That is how she will live all her life .....
Insecure .... in the knowledge ...
That his heart lies elsewhere ...
All her tactics to hold him down ...
Will never work ...
She is his bane ...
Not his boon ...
She is the blotch in his family name...
They say it all the time ...
They will never accept her as their own ...
Not even the illegitimate one she brought along.

She knows not ...
On a full moon night ..
He looks at the moon and sighs ....
For he searches for his beloved in the moon.

He still meets her ...
Without her knowledge ...
In the name of work and meetings ...
She believes him and all the lies ...
The insecure one  that she is ....
She will always be so ... all her life ...
Just his concubine .... nothing else.

Every new moon ..
Every full moon ...
Watch him ....
You will know.

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