Monday, September 10, 2012

Very Funny .....

Since you find it very funny .....
How did you find your stay ....
In bug infested confines behind the bars?
Wasn't that funny?
It must have been real fun ....
Hobnobbing with your types for once.....
Very funny and hilarious indeed.

The cuffs fitted you fine ...
As though made to order ...
Just for you .....
there's more to come ...
Now, the noose too ...
Soon ...
Wait and watch ....
That's all you can do ....
Always watching every move I make ....
So scared or so full of love ?

Hah .... The jokes on you buddy ....
You and your types ....
Down the drainage system shall you go ....
Through the gutters ....
Where you stay ....
Into the sewage system ...
All covered in muck ....
Then laugh and say ....
Very funny ...
What with an illegitimate kid tagging along with you everyplace ...
Shame writ large on your faces and that of your elders ....
With what face do you say very funny ...
The jokes on you Rascal ....
The jokes is all about you ....
You are the joker ....
Ripped apart by your crimes.

Very funny indeed ...
What do you think ....
You would get the real picture ....
Never ...
The reality lies buried deep ....
You will never get to see the real one ....
That's your punishment ....And, my redemption.

Very funny ...
Remain content with the illegitimate one ....
For you will see her suffer always ...
Wherever she goes ...
In her growing up years ....
You hid her till now ...
No more ...
She will always be followed by her shame ...

Shame on you ...
For bringing up her in shame ....
Her name synonymous with your acts ...
What does the society call such kids ....
A BASTARD .... Right?

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