Sunday, September 23, 2012

Memory ....

Your memory is far better than mine ....
Mine is clogged with foggy ideas ...
My memory has lapsed ...
My memory is totally erased ...
My memory is nightmares ....
My memory is fazed with drugs ....
My memory is just a memory now ....
Nothing there ....
But a vast emptiness ....
After HIM ..... My soul left the body ...
What remained was just the mortal remains ...
Nothing else ....
I don't belong to this world ....
Kept the name ....
As that was my identity ....
Today have lost that too ...
I don't know who I am ...
Just a zombie walking the walk ...
And, talking the talk.

Mataji had a brilliant memory ....
An encyclopedia ....
The keeper of our History ...
Every moment ....
Every event ....
Every thing was at the tip of her tongue ...
A great friend and confidante'....
I miss her ...and our moments together ...
Rusk and tea ....
Pure Almond oil .....
Watching TV ....
THE Grand old lady ...
Who had lesser wrinkles than any of us.

Memories ..... that's all that is left after all.

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