Monday, September 10, 2012

Surprise ..surprise ...

Wondering why all is so quiet?
Contemplating my next action?
Exasperated as to what I am upto?
Keep guessing ....
They say ....
There's a lull before a storm ....
This is that lull ....
The quietness in the night and day ....
The silence from my side ....
A big storm is on the way ....
When it lashes rains ....
Everything will flow away in the flash floods ...
Nothing will remain ...
Nothing at all ....
Your entire world will come to a standstill ...
Not a single soul connected with you will be spared ...
All will be washed out ....
Just plain ... barren land shall remain ....
Where life will never be seen again.
That's the wrath of a woman ....
A tormented soul ...
The vengeance that will ruin everything around you ...
 A devastation that all will recall ...
A dreaded story to be told ...
So that no one makes the same mistake you made ....
To make gains in your vermin infested life.
You are the vermin all would swat ...
You are the one all will avoid ...
You are the one responsible for every misery .....
Every person in your contact goes through.

Surprise, surprise ......
Don't be ....
It is on the way ....
All the way to bury you ....
Alive .... in your own blood soaked cloak.

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