Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Gawd! Why can't people get over their obsession ....
I don't care whether you or HE live or die ...
For me HE died the day you appeared live on the web...
Enjoy your life with the dead and decaying ....
Don't get God in between ...
Nor spiritual Gurus ...
They would be turning in "THEIR GRAVES".
Don't be so scared ...
I don't spit and lick it ...
I leave it for the likes of you ....
To relish.

So much insecurity ain't good ....
Go have a life ....
Rather than spy on me at night ...lol

I never look back ...
I just look forward ....
And am looking forward ...
And, you don't feature anywhere in that list.

Stop this obsession with me ...
At times I wonder if you are a lesbian....
Hahaha ....
Worry about others ...
There are plenty ...
Right under your nose...
Look around ...
Observe the subtle signs ....
You will know what I am writing about ....
Better late than never.

Every concubine gets a place to stay....
You chose to call it a home ...
It's not home .....
It's your grave ....
Watch the signs....
Four walls and a roof don't make for a home ....
People do ....
Wholehearted people...
Not people who are there just so that they can save their back....

Stop your OBSESSION with me .....
Move on ...
Make your life.

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