Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Hail ...

Hail Mary!... Nah ... am writing about the hailstorm ....
The hailstorm that would turn our ....
Green English Grass carpet lawn ..... Pristine white.

The hail stones that we would gather ...
The dupatta the prodigal grandson would take ...
Green dupatta ...
And go out and collect the hail stones ....
It was fun ....
Zorro and Thunder ....
Thunder and the cows ...
Thunder and uninvited guests ...
Escorting everyone in ...
It was fun .....
The big refrigerator ... White Westinghouse ....
Hahha ... the jokes about Maa fitting into it ...
The grandson opening the fridge and sitting near the door on real hot days ...
The neighbours ...
The neighbourhood....
Vijay Singh .... How can one forget him?
The washing machine and chores divided....
The vegetable vendor ....
The Eunuchs arriving on 1st April and really ....
The kids and me hidden inside ...
And, then pleasing them with goodies...
Now, when I look back and recall ....
They were good old days ....
We humans have forgotten how to live life now...
All we do now is Rush, rush and rush ....
One place to another ....
Always in a hurry ...
No matter what ...
No time for relations....
No time for rituals.

I remember ....
The havans ....
The Akhand paath ..
Maa's mandir ...
Her Ram ....
Her Krishna...
Their clothes....
The Ramayana she would start on 9th September each year ...
And, end the next year on 9th September...
So much love...
True love.

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