Sunday, September 9, 2012

Every little bit counts ....

This and that ....
Every bit counts ....
Every action counts .....
Yours, mine .. theirs ....
What we do ....
And, what we don't do ...
Every bit counts....
What we say ....
What we don't ...
What we convey through our actions ....
Every word said and unsaid counts ....
I understand the silence ....
I don't to be by your side ...
To know what it is that you want me to know ...
I know it all ...
Every look you give counts...
And, says it all....
I understand your dilemma ....
I understand what hell you are living in ...
So, I let go ....
So, your living hell becomes a lesser hell to live in.
Living with the devil ain't easy.
Every little bit counts....
It counts to know your pain ....
Am with you in this .....
Your pain is mine too ..
I can feel every emotion ....
Yet, I can't be there to help you out ...
You need to get out of the situation on your own ....
How you do it ...
You need to strategise...
Analyse the problem at hand ...
In your home....
Get it out ...
Flush out the toxin ....
For that you need to do a lot ....
You are neck deep in trouble ....
Get out of the deep waters ....
Learn to swim ...
Swim with the current ....
Just let loose your fears ...
Your apprehensions ...
And just let it flow....
Let it be knoweth to your soul ...
Am waiting at the end of the journey ....
AGNI by my side.
Every bit counts ...
Am your strength  ..
Not your weakness ..
I am not a mistake ....
Nor is AGNI...
Every moment counts.

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