Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A whole new experience ...

It's a whole new experience ...
To be in love ...
Yet, be above all the human trivialities .............
Yes, I am in love ...
I am in love with love itself.

The one who is at the receiving end of this love ....
Knows it ...
No one else needs to know at all.

It is just between him and me ...
The King and the Queen ....
The rest shall just be spectators....
A grand Opera....
A grand innings ....
All care to the winds ...
Just you and me.

A whole new experience ...
By the lake ....
By the sea side ...
On the Misty hills ..
Just you and me ...
And, no one else.

Already there are stars in my eyes ...
Lovelorn beauty ...
Waiting for her paramour ...
It is but a mirage ...
A beautiful dream indeed ...
He exists ...
That's all that matters ...
No one else does.

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