Saturday, September 8, 2012

Accountability .....

Who is accountable for all that happens?
Who takes the responsibility?
Who is in charge of all that needs to be done?
Who? WHO?

No one wants to be accountable ....
For the actions that they have taken ...
No one wants to be held responsible for what they have done ....
All just wanna put the blame on others ...
No one is held accountable ...
For the crimes they did....
For the lies they told ...
For the lies they lived ...
For the lies they are living .....
For the lies they are saying ...
So, at the end of the day ...
Accountability lies with whom?
Why blame others, when I didn't check their backgrounds/
Why blame them, when I blindly trusted them?
Why blame them, when all I did was believe every word they said?
The accountability lies with me ....
I am accountable for my belief in people ....
I am accountable for trusting them blindly ...
I am accountable for believing every word ....
No one else but me and my blind faith ...
In Goodness of people ...
A fallacy ..
A myth ..
A broken dream ...
A broken trust.

I am accountable for my grief.

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