Sunday, September 16, 2012

It's so sad ....

It's so sad ...
People have to stay up all night ...
Twiddling their fingers ....
Checking my blogposts ...
So much insecurity ..
That they need to post old photos of yesteryears...
To try and believe ...
That all is well ....
All isn't well Darling ...
Your paradise is lost forever.....
It never existed ....
Except in your imagination ....
Otherwise you would never have slit your wrists.

No, the used doll is of no use to me ....
I use and throw sanitary pads....
So that women like you who can't afford such luxuries can have them.

The combo is good ....
Black and white ....
That's why combos are always cheap ....
Perfect example of Mac Donald's combos ...
Or free meals....
For the hungry and famished.

Frustrated woman ...
Desperate woman for men ...
Not knowing anything but how to please them with orgies.
That's what brings a smile on his face for you ...
Else, follow him someday.....
And you will know his real intentions....
One day the papers will arrive ...
And, you shall have no choice but to sign them.

When you call and he says ...
"I am in a meeting"...
Know well.... He is mating.
That's his modus operandi ...
His usual dialogue ...
When he is in another woman's arms ....
Satisfying his sexual urges ...
Urges you can never fulfill ...
Coz' you are black ...
And, he hates the colour BLACK....
You are the cause of all his miseries ...
You started it all ....
How can he forgive you ...
He is biding his time ...
When the time is right ...
He will strike ...
And, all your stars will fall from the sky ..
Your cracked world will come crashing down.

It;s so sad ....
You are so delusional ...
Go, take some psychiatric help ...
Before you slit that wrist again.

Sad, but the ultimate truth woman ....
Get a hold on yourself ....
Stop conning yourself ...
The way you conned me ....
You will get nowhere ...
This is a mirage ...
There is nothing there for you ....
Move on before it is too late ...
Before you lose yourself ...
And, your illegitimate child.

You and your illegitimate girl.....
Are a blotch to his family name ...
You will never be wholeheartedly welcome ....
Face REALITY ...
He is Mammas Boy...
Before it is too late.
Sad Truth ... you know it ...
But, don't want to face it.

It's so sad....
You have ruined your life ...
Now, you are ruining the life of the ...
She will always be pointed at ....
His family and his society ....
Will never accept her ...
She will be made aware ....
That she is different and doesn't belong.

The illegitimate one ....
Will never belong.
Sad ... but the truth.

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