Friday, September 14, 2012

Somewhere ....

Somewhere something new is happening ...
Somewhere someone new is waiting ...
Somewhere ... a new beginning is taking place ....
All somewhere else.

A blossoming relation .....
A radiance so brilliant ...
A wordsmith finally ...
Who can match me word to word.

The World is a beautiful creation ....
 A creation wild and free ...
 When all ends ... it shows a ray of hope ....
A light shines through.

None can match the brilliance ...
Of the person I have yet to meet ...
No not a figment of imagination ...
But a new friend through tweets ....
He speaks his mind even while I write ...
He has a mind of his own.

A writer, a blogger...
He is a rebel against the system ...
Attractive attributes ...
For a man so young of age.

Hope springs again ...
Life begins again ....
A new ray of joy ...
A new beginning indeed.

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