Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Just a wee bit of imagination ...

Yup, Just a wee bit ....
And, lo behold! ....
A whole world of opportunities open up ....
A whole new set up appears ...
A new dawn ....
A new sunset ....
Everything around becomes beautiful ...
You don't need a person ....
To make you happy ...
All you need are moments ...
Moments of creativity ...
Moments of compassion ...
Moments that define you.

Just a wee bit of imagination ....
And, you are off to a headstart ...
A brand new beginning ...
A fresh start ..... indeed.

Just a wee bit of being yourself ...
Sets you apart from the rest of the mob ....
Just you and only you .....
No one else can do it for you ...
Only you can ...
For that you need to be bold enough to take ....
The first step ....
Step into the lesser known ...
Step into the strange land ....
Just step away from all that holds you down.

Just that little inspiration ...
That creative genius within you can explode with ideas ...
No one can .... take it away from you ...
Your individuality ...
Your ideas ...
They are yours ...
No one can ever copy them ...
Or duplicate them ....
You are you ...
And they know that .....
They will never forget that.

Just a bit of imagination ...
And you soar high up ...
Up in the sky ...
Far away from the busy life ....
Down below.

All you need is you and your wee bit of imagination.

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