Thursday, September 6, 2012

Solitude ....

In my solitude ... exists my happiness ...
There I dwell deep within ....
Seeking answers to unanswered questions .....
My safe haven ...
Where no one can hurt me ...
Where I remain untouched by all.

My solitude ...
Is the answer to all the questions ...
Rock solid I do stand ...
When I am alone ....
I am better off without anyone ....
For I belong to the ether ...
Not from this World am I ....
I belong else where.

In my solitude ....
I see Rainbow ...
The hues and colours attract me ....
I colour my World with the brush ....
Dipped in the colours of my solitude.

Alone, I stand tall ....
Alone , I am the wall ....
Alone, I am happy ....
Alone,  I am perfect ....
Alone, I travel through the prism ...
Into a realm of deep peace ....
My solitude shouldn't be mistaken ....
For loneliness ...
It is a place where I find my space, time and peace.
I ain't lonely there ....
I have lots to think about ....
Conjure words and muse over things ...
My solitude is my bliss.

I create my path in my solitude ..
I become the path in my solitude....
I have immense courage in my solitude ...
My solitude determines my attitude.

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