Monday, September 10, 2012

Told you ....

Told you ....
Don't cross my path ....
But, you couldn't resist ....
Couldn't resist passing remarks ...
So be it ....
You shall remain at the receiving end ...
And, wouldn't know what's wrong ...
What's happening ...
Why did all this happen ...
And, more.

Told you ...
Stay away ...
You couldn't ....
Now face the music ...
Don't blame me if things go wrong ...
Don't you dare ...
It's all your doing ...
And, ....
Death becomes you ...
You shall neither live nor die ...
You shall neither sleep nor keep awake ....
You brought my wrath upon yourself ...
So you shall suffer ....
Suffer in greater pain than known to any in mankind's history ....
that's your destiny now ...

Told you to stay away ....
You didn't ...
You kept coming back for more and more ....
Now, suffer your ill fate ...
Like a vermin trapped in a  gutter.

Told ya.

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