Saturday, September 15, 2012

Double Role .... Two faces of a coin ....

The coin ...
The abominable coin ...
Has two faces ...
So do humans....
Why do we fail to recognise that?
Or, is it that we do know so....
But don't want to acknowledge it?
Those few moments of happiness are more important ....
Than lifelong suffering ....
Lamenting later what we couldn't utter....
And, suffering for what we overlooked in the beginning.

Relationships should be based on truth and trust ...
Faith and companionship ....
Else they crumble or wither away in due course of time.

The Lord tosses the coin ....
Which face we get is our destiny ....
Fate ..... have faith in the Lord ...
And follow our destiny ...
The path charted for us.

Double role or not ...
Two faces or not ...
Follow your heart ...
Rest will follow ...
Good, Bad or Ugly ...
We know not yet ...
But, what the heck ...
Axe your own foot ....
Get in the groove ...
This moment ...
Is what counts ....
Nothing else matters.

This moment says ....
Go on ..
Carve your idol....
This moment says ....
Walk alone ....
Ekla chalo re ....
You come alone....
You depart alone.
That's true destiny.

Double role or not ...
Two faces of the coin or not ...
Just go for it....
Kal ki kal sochna.

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