Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Essence of a family ....

The essence of  a family ....
Need not be a man ...
A man can only sire ...
But, a woman is the one that leads the family on ....
Takes the burden all alone ...
Gives the best of her years to her kids ..
Sacrifices it all ...
The man just walks away ...
Finds a new abode.
He takes his scent and soul with him ...
Not a drop of his ESSENCE left behind ....
Just memories to live by ....
Just a few memories ...
Nothing else.
What was good was written about ....
That is what matters .....
It wasn't written to call back the lost one ....
It was written for history ...
When I am no more ....
The generations to come shall know their ROOTS ...
From Peshawar & Rawalpindi to Pathankot ...
To Delhi to Chandigarh to Dehradun ...
From Jaisalmer to Thiruvananthpuram ....
North, South, East & West ....
From the Sire missing his Dad's shaving kit as a tiny tot shitting on a pot early in the morning ...
When Grand dad would be out on Army Duty ...
To Great Grand dad and his shayari and Gandhian principles ...
Great Grand Mom and her histrionics ....
A whole history to be passed on ...
A family tree to be familiarised with ...
Who will do that?
There is no family here....
There never was ....
Somebody has to let the name live on.
The essence has to be preserved ....
Who will do that?

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