Monday, September 24, 2012

Memories ....

They haunt you ...
They taunt you ...
They traumatize you ...
Yet they are memories ...
Some events that happened ...
That left an indelible mark on your mind, heart and soul....
A tattoo that can never be removed ...
A grubby mark that can't be cleaned ...
Tried everything to forget you ....
I really can't let go ....

Memories ... my memories with you ...
Are killing me ....
I am dying ...
Dying a slow death ...
A ghostly pall and gloom ...
Looms over my mortal self ....
Blood drained from my being .....
Am dying a slow death ...
Can't live  without you anymore.
The day the blogs stop ....
Know that I am gone ....
Gone forever.

Then only memories will remain ....
Memories that will haunt you.

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