Thursday, September 27, 2012

Anu Man ......

Yup.... Anu Man ...
Chhota Brigadier Sahib's sibling...
Younger but much much sober and sound than him.
Why Anu Man?
Well, she is the protector of all the gals in school ....
She speaks the language of the guys...
The boys shiver at her sight ....
When the school bell rings for the day off...
All the kids stick to the walls of the school corridor...
Leading to the school bus depot...
 Coz' anu Man bulldozes her way to the bus ...
 A bully with a heart of gold...
She is everybody's darling...
Especially all the other parents dote over her...
They love her stand up comedienne acts during get togethers....
They ask her to organize surprise Birthday parties for their kids...
That's an honour and a big responsibility ...
Which Anu man fulfills with happiness.
Anu man is every bit her Grandma...
Naughty yet the best organizer ...
And, the eye catcher in every event.
A creative genius...
Her special needs notwithstanding ...
But, she is the best ...
Her work going to England is no big joke.
She will do you proud one day ...
She already is doing you proud today ...
A basketball fanatic...
She is the ROCK and WALL ...
And, BULLDOZER of the School team.

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