Friday, September 28, 2012

A new way to begin the whole story again ...

Nah.... No ways .... Not again ...
Goldilocks and the three bears ...
Don't twist the story ....
Don't make me write it all over again ...
Not today ...
But, that is creativity ...
And, that is why am known as the Creative Genius ....
No, I am not full of myself ....
But, Yes I do agree I have a great imagination ...
An imagination that can change the World...
Even the World Order ...
So, am wondering if the story can be rewritten ...
This time BY ME.

The great story ...
A never ending story ....
Some words that would stir the souls ....
The souls of Earthlings ....
The art of story telling .....
Change the entire History of Mankind ...
With the stroke of my pen ...
Er.... With the keyboard of my Netbook....
Maybe ....
I guess, it is the right time ....
When I have all the time in the World ...
While on a sabbatical.

New friends that have come in my life ....
Newfound companionship ...
New territories to explore ....
New travails to write about ....
What a difference there is ....
Between the spoken and the written word.

A new way to begin a new story ....
 The old story rewritten ....
Waiting to hear the news ....
News of the sad ending of the old story ...
My ode to the unfortunate one ....
My obeisance to the long dead...
Flowers to be sent to the burial ground....
Lest it be left forlorn and barren.

Life is left best as it is ...
The supreme power doing his bit...
We are just puppets in his hand ...
Playing our parts to the core.

Let's begin the new story ....
Right Now.

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