Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Hundred rupee note ...

Hmmmm .... Remembering the Hundred rupee note ....
He shoved under my front door ...
Coz' I was fast asleep ...
And, didn't know he had come avisiting.

The next morning ...
As I opened the door to go to work ...
I found the Hundred rupee note ...
Wondering who might have lost it ....
Before I could submit it in the security office ...
HE called and said ....
I was there ....
I didn't believe him ...
So, he asked ...
Did you find the Hundred rupee note?
The most beautiful moment of my life ...
Knowing he had come ....
The proof in my hand ....
Nothing left to say ...
But, to believe he was there ....
And, he is there as always.

Everyday, I take the note out ....
And, send him lots of love ....
He needs it more than I do ...
He is stuck between the devil and the deep blue sea ...
His only strength lies in me ...
Within me ... He knows it...
He knows it well ..
But under those brooding eyelashes ... he hides the feelings ...
Lest the witch senses his feelings....
And starts another of her dramas.

Till such a time that he is occupied elsewhere ...
The Hundred rupee note ...
Is a reminder....
That he is there always for me.

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