Thursday, September 6, 2012

My greatest strength ... AGNI

Did just that ...
In the past couple of days ....
And, am glad ...
I just let it all out ...
Feeling so light ...
Like a feather floating in free sky ...
Just floating .....
That's one of my strengths....
Just letting it out ...Pour out ....
Words just flow from within ...
The heaviness lifting along with them ....
That's what keeps me alive and kicking .

Kicking reminds me ...
My greatest strength are my babies ...
Two have grown ...
One growing deep within me ....
AGNI...My greatest strength ....
He is the reason I am still ticking ....
He is the reason ...
I let go ...
For I have him  ..
Need no one else for happiness ..
The very thought of AGNI...
Brings a smile on my lips ...
What else can a mother ask for?

If am busy today...
It's coz' I know ...
Tomorrow, AGNI will keep me busy ...
And, I shall have no time for anything else ...
SO, am wrapping up every work ...
Every detail outlined ...
So that, When I go away with AGNI ....
I shall not be missed at all.

My strength ... my power lies in AGNI...
The fire in my belly ...
The blaze that is kindled ...
Stoked and flares ...
Deep within me ...
My AGNI.... Just mine.

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