Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Oh! By the way ...

Oh! By the way ....
How does my LED TV look in that new flat ....you call home?
Where did you keep it?
 A constant reminder of me ... right?
 And, does he still wear the Rolex watch, he flicked from my home?
And, the clothes .. tees and shirts and belt and trousers and jeans I bought for him ...
Again a constant reminder ...
And the shoes and sandals....
Always reminding him...
Who gave them all to him and his mom...
Does she wear the shoes bought with my money when she goes for a walk ....
Everything he says are his were bought by me ....
How can he FORGET?
ENJOY while you can ...
Or burn them all ...
Ashes ... ruins of a past ....
But, history can never be forgotten ....
Some things remain....
And, a museum is made for them ....
Find that museum ....
Find the TRUTH.
Oh! Forgot ....
Where are the books he took from my home ...
For Self Growth ...
All signs ....
Signs of my presence ....
Don't overlook the signs ....
Better safe than sorry.
For as long he exists ....
I LIVE....
Live in his memories...
Tormenting his soul ...
Be the balm .....
Good Luck!

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