Thursday, September 13, 2012

Don't mess with me ...

Don't mess with me ....
Else I shall really make a mushy mess outta your life ....
Know who you are dealing with ;
A full hand of aces,
I shuffle with Kings ... and ....
Cut off Queens.
Know me well ....
Else, it's your loss....
A very big loss....
I don't mince my words ...
I speak as I Think .....
Don't take this lightly ...
Else, you will regret having said what you have said so far.....
DON'T MESS WITH ME ... means ....
Stay away ...
So far, you have only seen the trailer ....
Wanna see the bigger Picture?
It will be murkier and painful ....
Don't forget the last few days ...
Lest you have forgotten ...
Shall I remind you again ....
A full blown first hand experience ..... ONCE AGAIN.

Is the message clear enough?
If not ....
You shall go through HELL again.
And, I mean every word I utter.
Remorsefully ...... Yours.... Truly.

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