Wednesday, September 5, 2012

I Know who I am .... Do you?

You are just a leech ....
A parasite sucking someone else's blood ...
Don't challenge me ....
Isn't the past few days experience .....
Proof enough of my strength?

I don't need to prove myself to anybody ....
I Known who I am.....
Do you know who you are?
No. you don't.....
Else you wouldn't be begging ...
To stay in a relation that sucks.

Rest assured ....
I don't spit and lick it ...
My spit is for you to lick ....
My leftover for you to partake....
That is all you need to survive ...
Exist ...
But, not live.
Each day... I know ..
I am aware it's a struggle ....
For you to get their approval ....
You will never reach there....
There will always be a nagging feeling ....
You are just being used....
Used like a sanitary pad ...
And, then one day thrown in the garbage .....
Where you truly belong.

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