Monday, September 3, 2012

The Storm ...

I remember ....
The walks in the rain ....
As a child ....
With gay abandon ...
And, now as an adult ....
Crying my heart out ....
Lest someone sees my tears.

Life isn't really about waiting for it all to happen ...
Or the storm to pass ...
It's all about ...
Braving the adversity ...
Braving the wind and the rain ...
Walking tall against every problem that rises ...
Head held high ...
Self esteem in place ...
Who doesn't have problems ..
It's how we overcome them that matters.

I am done with my last problem...
Am all geared for a new turn in life ..
Let's see what this new twist brings with it ...
Some more emotions .. to express...
Some more to write about.

The Storm came ...
And, is passing by ....
Am out of it ....
Though in the midst of it....
It doesn't affect me anymore ...
I have found a safe haven ...
Found my family back again ...
This time as a daughter ...
Her father is there to guide her ...
He watches over her ....
I have been reunited by the last havoc of the storm ...
With my family ...
That is what is the silver lining in the dark grey clouds.

The storm took the toxins away ...
It brought forth the Garden of Eden ....
Must be her work from up above ...
Yes, she the naughty one ....
She was always up to pranks ...
But, this time a positive one ....
For some time I was hassled ...
Not anymore ...
Nothing affects me anymore ....
Am happy ...
Just plain joyously happy.

Am dancing in the rain ....
It has washed away the pain of yesteryear's ...
A new spring has begun ...
New leaves ...
A beautiful garden of flowers.... Indeed.

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