Sunday, September 2, 2012

Who is to judge us?

No One ....
No one should judge anyone .....
Who is to judge us?
Do you feed us?
No... You don't...
Then why judge me...
Or any one else for that matter ...
Everyone has a right to their opinion....
 I do ....
I wouldn't like anybody's interference ....
In the decisions I make.

My decisions ...
My judgments ...
are mine ...
I have a mind of my own ....
The society doesn't feed me or my flock....
I care for my needs and that of my sheep ....
I am my own shepherd .....
No one tends to my herd.

I work hard ...
Day and night ...
24x7 ...
Hardwork ...
Honest work ....
No follies ...
No cunningness ....
Intelligent work ...
No one needs to judge my character ....
I don't judge theirs...
I speak my mind ...
I speak from my own experiences ...
You can't snatch my words from me ...
My words make me who I am.

Who is to judge us?


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