Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Who am I ....

Who am I ....
To judge a person ....
Who am I ....
To judge a community ...
Who am I ....
To judge the social system ...
Who am I ...
To judge the law makers ...
Who am I ....
To judge the law keepers ...
I am .....
One who questions ....
I am one ....
Who helped make the society ...
I am one ....
Who really matters ...
I am the citizen of this country ...
My country ...
In which I was born ...
Where I lived ....
And upheld ...
All social values ...
All cultural ethos ....
I helped build this nation ...
Gave two decades to make great citizens ...
I gave this country ....
My sweat and blood ...
I stood by the Ideals and values ...,
I was the sentinel ...
Today I stand alone ...
Fighting a lone battle ...
Against the evil that exists in our society ...
Yet I fight alone ...
People mock me for my stance ...
People do not understand ...
They are all ignorant learned fools ...
Hiding in their homes ...
Scared people ...
Not ready to face the world ...
And they blame the Government ...
What are they doing to fight for their own rights?
Civil rights or human rights ...
Fight we must for justice ....
Who am I to tell the the people what is right?
Who am I to wake them up?
I am the sentinel....
That watches over my country ...
When the real ones are sleeping...
I am the Guardian of my Nation ...
I am every Citizen.
Am not afraid to die ...
To uphold what I believe in ...
I am here to stay ...
Immortal in my words....
Truth shall prevail ...
Evil annihilated ...
Whether am dead or alive ...
The quest shall go on ...
My dreams shall live on.

Who am I ....
I am ... Me, Myself ... know it well ...
I am every Citizen.

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