Sunday, August 5, 2012

The lives we lead ...

Wow to us for the lives we lead....
Wow to others for the dread that drives their lives ...
What a life we all lead ..
One moment happy ... and ...
The other moment separated from life itself.

One moment two people are together ...
And the next moment ...
They are the worst of enemies....
At each others throats....
Living separate lives ...
Wondering how all this happened.

One moment ....
In just one moment ....
A man turns into a monster ....
Some godforsaken woman just turns up somewhere howling ...
You lend her a helping hand ....
She turns out to be a worst monster than him ....
Using an innocent child to get what she wants ...
Emotional blackmail is her forte' ....
And she stabs you in the back.
No wonder ...
No wonder he is so unhappy with her ...
But he has no choice ...
He is afraid of her ....
She is blackmailing him ....
But for how long?

Doesn't matter ....
It is his decision to stick it out with her ...
To lead a life of dissent...
I have learnt not to trust him anymore ...
I move on ...
Leaving him and the forsaken one to their devices.

We all have our lives to lead ...
Mountains to climb ...
Heights to reach...
Our dreams become our reality ...
Our actions speak louder than words.

The lives we lead ...
The path we tread upon ...
Decisions that we take ...
All our own.

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