Friday, August 24, 2012

My Toys ..... Musings of a little girl ....

I still have my old toys ..... preserved ...
I still have memories .....
My toys are still as good as new ....
And guess what ?
I don't share my toys.

Once someone uses my toy ....
I discard it ....
Then IT has no place in my museum ....
But, I destroy my used toy ....
So that the other learns a lesson ....
What cannot be mine ...
Can never be theirs.

My toys are my possessions ....
They are mine to keep ...
Mine to play with ...
Mine to dress and doll up .....
The moment I sense another person's touch on it ....
My toy is of no use to me ....
But then it is of no use to anyone ...
I don't share my stuff with anyone ....
ANYONE means NO ONE ....
What can not be mine ....
Can NEVER be another's....

My Toys are my life ...
They reflect my choice ....
My Toys define me .....
My Toys pacify the child within me .....
My Toys are mine ....
They are exclusive ....
Different from others toys ...
They have always been so ....
And, I don't share my TOYS.

Soon, I shall be blessed with a new TOY ....
And, it shall be mine forever ....
Let you be warned .....
Stay away from my new TOY ....
Lest you try to snatch it from me ...
I shall ..... You know what ....
I don't need to spell it out ....
I just need to do the needful....
Coz' I don't share my TOYS ...
By now, you are well aware of the fact.....
I don't need to spell it for you....
My TOYS are mine and mine ONLY.

How would you feel ....
If I snatched your TOY from you ?
SO, Beware .....
Maintain your distance ....
Hold your tongue ...
Coz' Children can be very cruel ...
Especially, if their territories are tread upon ....
So, know it for sure ....
Am in no mood to share ....
My TOYS are mine ONLY ....
Lest you forget .....
Remember, recent events ...
There can be more such incidents ....
And, you wouldn't know where to hide...
Hide yourself and your TOY ....
Else, I shall come get your TOY ...
and, I don't use USED TOYS ....
I dump them in garbage bins ....
Coz' that's where they belong.....
TRASH .....


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