Monday, August 20, 2012

AGNI .... The harbinger of all things bright ....

My sunshine .... My son ....
The one to survive despite all odds ....
He has shown strength ....
He has given me the strength ....
To let go and move on ....
For he shall be with me forever ...
Others won't be ...
But my son .... The fire within me ....
My AGNI .... shall remain ...
He is the bright sunshine ....
Which was eclipsed for a while ...
But he survived ....
A miracle indeed ....
They say ....
God has his own ways ...
And divine intervention  has made it possible ....
Made it a reality ....
The God Particle exists.

An accident I thought ....
Made me lose him .....
But he wasn't lost ....
He was hiding ....
So I could fight ....
So I could survive ....
So I could save him ...
He is my modern day Krishna ....
My saviour ....
My all ....
He will cut through all barriers....
He will see me through ....
With him by my side ....
I need not his Sire....
He is all that I desire ....
And the Lord ...
He fulfilled my desire.

Agni ..... My son ....
The harbinger of all things bright ....
My spring ....
My fresh lease of life.

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