Sunday, August 19, 2012

When God closes one door ... He opens another ...

A movement within me ....
A twist and a turn ....
Below the abdomen ....
Making me feel his presence ....
That's my Agni ....
When God closes one door ....
He opens another ....
God gave me Agni in lieu of HIM.....
Am I glad ....
I am in seventh heaven ....
The mother in me joyous and fulfilled.

No more lonely days ....
No more pining ....
Just getting the wool ...
And knitting needles ....
Agni would be a Winter Baby ...
He willl need warm woollens ....
Wish Pammi was here .....
She was the best when it came to knitting.
Miss you Maa....
Didn't meet you in your last days .....
But you loved me and I know that ....
You are with me even today ....
Watching over me ....
Agni will be protected by you .... I know.

Oh.... A movement ...
A tiny movement ....
Making me aware of his presence ....
My days are blessed ....
Need a lot of rest ....
Lest Agni be stressed ....

God closed the doors of hell for me....
So that I could enjoy the fruits of labour ...
Alone ... but blissful...
No tension ....
No treachery ....
Pure love and joy.

Another four months ....
And I shall have my bundle of joy ...
Cradled in my arms ....
My son ....
My life ....
Yes .... mine .... and ONLY MINE.

God has given the gift of life to me ....
I shall cherish it forever.....
He saved my unborn ....
So I wouldn't be forlorn.

The Stork is arriving ....
With the bundle of joy ....
I am waiting ....
I am happy....
I am blessed.

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