Sunday, August 5, 2012

He watches every move I make ...

He watches every move I make ....
Yes! he does ....
He keeps an eye on me ....
Always ....
I can feel the piercing gaze ....
Just like the first time he set his eyes upon me ....
He knows every thing ....
He can sense every decision I take ...
He knows me too well ...for comfort.

He knows what I am thinking ...
He knows what I will do ...
He just knows it ...
Our bonding was always at a higher level ...
It was always spiritual ....
A trance kind of state ....
A state where he knew every mood ....
He could handle me well ...
None other could do that ...
Today , I stand at the beach ...
Scratching sand with my toes ...
Coffee in my hand ...
A faraway look ....
Yet content with the feeling ...
That he still watches over me.

Thank you GOD for being there ...
Watching over me always.
You have never let me down ...
This time too ...
I know ...
You shall get me justice.

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