Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Priestess who sold her Red Swift ....

My World ...
A beautiful world to live in ...
Yet I chose to give it up ....
I sold my Red Swift ...
And, am on my way to higher grounds...
Places where no one has ever been ...
Climb every Mountain ...
Cross every River ...
Explore the Deserts ...
Swim across the Oceans ...
Time to shear the mane ....
Time to cut off all ties ...
Time to move on in search of ....
The light that eludes me.

I am the High Priestess ...
The Priestess who shuns it all ...
The Priestess who moves on ....
In search of herself ....
And the ultimate truth.

Am in a state of bliss ...
Pure bliss ...
A state of Nirvana ...
Am in a state where ...
I can see miracles happening ....
Just a thought ...
And it just happens.
A gift by the supreme being ...
A gift to share ...
So, I move on ....
For the downtrodden wait ...
Wait upon me ....
To better their lives ...
To save the World...
To make it  a better place to live in.
Yes, I have sold my Red Swift ...
I have given the money in charity ...
Let the poor rejoice ...
Let the meek feel mighty.

The Priestess sold her Red Swift ...
The Priestess on her way out ....
Awaits the World for miracles ...
She has it all in her kitty.

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