Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Tip of the Iceberg ...

This is just the beginning ....
There's more to come ....
Just the tip of the Iceberg ...
There's lots beneath the surface ....
They say a woman's heart is like a deep blue Sea....
The depths of which not known to man ...
So guess... what more secrets of yours ....
Are hidden deep within ...
Secrets that can destroy your whole World ....
Wake up Sunshine ....
Before dusk dawns in ...
And all is lost ...
No hope left for you.

You can't fathom the extent .....
To which my rage can reduce you to ashes ....
Again I repeat ...
One who lives in a glass house shouldn't ...
Throw stones at others homes ...
In this process ....
You will only destroy your own World ....
Nothing will be left ...
No past, no present and no future ...
An empty house to go to ....
No one left to greet you ...
Just photo frames ...
With people staring at you ....
Asking .... Why did you do this Diploo?
And, Diploo won't have a reply ....
Just a sad forlorn long face .....
His solace his porn movies .......
On his gadgets to keep him company...

I have nothing to gain or lose ....
You took it all away .....
Your happiness counted for you ...
Today I ask you to return my peace back to me ....
Return the piece of me you destroyed ....
Can you?
No, you can't ....
and yet you remain unrepentant and stoic ...
Then, I have no choice but to continue the battle ...
all is fair in love and war ....
And if it is war .....
So be it......
If  being adamant is your stance ....
You know me well enough ....
You can't break me ...
My words slice through you each moment ...
They say ' Pen is mightier than a Sword' ....
I shall continue using my pen .....
Freedom of speech is what I shall use ....
You can try your best ...
I won't bend as always ....I shall bring you to your knees time and again......
There's no looking back ...
I have my resolve ...
As strong as Titanium and steel ...
You know me ...
Am the iron lady ....
You loved that quality in me ...
You shall experience it first hand as always ....
My words are steel pellets that will hurt you always ....
You won't live, yet you won't die.

So far you have seen the tip of the iceberg ....
There is lots beneath ....
Wait for the volley to begin ....
Then there won't be no looking back ...
Just marching forward ....
The Army never turns it's back ..
It marches on destroying anything that comes in between.

Iceberg ... that destroyed the mighty Titanic ....
What are you?
Just a mere criminal ....
You are over and done with all your conniving ....
Time for annihilation....
Icy cold waters to freeze you to death ...
Slow and steady ....
But, very painful.

This is just the tip of the iceberg .....

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