Monday, August 6, 2012

Letting go ....

Letting go is easier said than done ...
Especially if a lot of emotions is involved...
If a lot of people are involved ..
All sense and sensibilities are involved ....
And if the other person doesn't give ....
A valid reason ...
For his atrocities.

Letting go can be made easier ...
If there was communication ...
But when all channels of communication are closed ...
Then there can be a hindrance ...
In the letting go process.

Out of sight ....
But, not out of mind....
How can one let go ....
So much was at stake ...
So much was shared ....
Everything can't be lost ....
In one stroke ....
Or one statement.

Memories haunt us ....
Good or bad ...
They are an integral part of our being ...
How can they be erased ?
No, they stay and torment the soul...
Never letting it go of the protagonist.

One can forgive but never forget ....
And, one shouldn't forget ...
A lesson well learnt ...
To learn from your mistakes ...
A learning experience ...
All lost ...
Experience gained.

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