Friday, August 31, 2012

Walking into an oblivion ...

Barefoot ....
And bleeding ...
And torn ...
I walk into the oblivion ...
Towards the crimson horizon ...
Oblivious of the stares ...
Couldn't care for the looks ...
The whispers and sniggers ...
They don't matter ...
All that matters is ....
I am walking into the oblivion ...
All alone ....
The partner left behind ...
The one who promised left far behind .....
A lonesome picture ...
But, a woman of grit ...
And determination ....
I walk on ...
Thorns digging deep in my heels ..
Stones scraping my feet ...
Yet I move on ...
A tear or two shed here and there ....
For a love lost forever.

It was beautiful while it lasted ...
Walking into the oblivion ...
I spot the moon ....
Bright and beautiful ...
One which we saw always...
He from his abode ....
And me from mine.

Same moon ....
But just one person ...
A damsel...
Walking towards it.

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