Saturday, August 4, 2012

Our Rights ...

We have a right to our own opinions ...
You and I ...
Whether it is your side of the coin or mine.
I express mine in my own way ...
You do yours your way ...
We are all different ....
Aren't we?
That is what sets us apart ...
I lead my life on my terms ...
I don't need you to counsel me ....
And your opinion doesn't matter...
You had your say ...
I shall say mine.
If my statements involve your name ...
It is because you were instrumental in that event taking place ....
So why bother ?
You should have thought of all the repercussions....
Before playing with my life at least.
I don't take things lying down ...
I stand upright for justice ...
I don't use my loved ones ...
I create my own path.
We all have our decisions to make ...
We all have our ideals to follow...
We all have our lives to lead...
We all have our point to make ...
We all have our justifications...
We have a right to our speech.
My life isn't bound to yours ...
But, I am bound to my experiences ...
To get justice or express...
Whatever I do ...
I have every right to do.
I don't need to take your permission for the same ....
You live your life ...
Do not tread upon mine.

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