Friday, August 24, 2012

My Red Rose Garden ......

The Garden ....
My  Red Rose Garden ...
Bleeding Red ... Roses so bright ....
Where does the colour on them come from ...
Ever heard of the Nightingale....
That thrust it's heart into a thorn ....
So the Rose that bloomed on it ...
Was a scarlet ...
The brightest Red....
The bleeding heart ....
Gave the Scarlet colour ...
The bleeding heart made the rose ...
The red rose ...
The epitome of pure and true love.

My garden blooms with roses ...
As red as my bleeding heart ...
For the thorns have embellished my heart ....
My heart ...
A sad thorny picture ...
Scarred ... bleeding ...
Yet feeding the blooming roses.

My Red Rose Garden ...
A beautiful picture ...
A sad story ....
My love story ....

An epic saga ...
To be told and retold ....
Down the ages ...
It shall remain ....
The story of true love ...
Endurance and sacrifice....
An example for all lovers ....
A story to be told ....
A fairy tale...
My Red Rose Garden ....
The thorns bleeding my heart ...
Yet the most beautiful garden ...
With the most beautiful Red Rose blooming within.

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