Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Sparkle... sparkles with your timeless love ...
Sparkle knows .... your love was true ...
Sparkle knows ... you  still love her....
You don't have to say it ....
Sparkle .... just knows.
Know it for sure ...
Sparkle will always be there for you ...
All you need to do is ...
Call her ...
And, She will break every barrier ....
Every bondage .... just to be with you.
You have loved Sparkle truly ....
And, Sparkle hasn't forgotten ...
She is there for you ...
Others have come and gone ....
She has no regrets for them ...
But, she will break all the rules Just for YOU ...
Every music reminds her of you .... That you selected and played ...
That you suggested ...they still resonate within her ....
Music man you are Rumi ....
You are Ghalib ...
You are the essence of folk lore ...
Your Ektara and Sitar ...
Her visions ....
You play music in her visions ....
Especially when she is down and out ....
Unspoken words ....
Yet so explicit and known.....
You are the Maestro ....
She is the danseuse...
You both are what life is all about ...
You both are what true love is all about ...
Sparkle awaits the signal from you .....
She will wait forever.

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