Tuesday, August 7, 2012

He lay there ....

He lay there ... wrapped in cotton ....
Wet in crimson fluid ....
My flesh and blood ....
A piece of dead and decay ....
My love shorn to pieces ...
A resolve rose in my eyes ...
Steely resolve ...
Agni's death wouldn't go waste ...
His death to be justified.

He lay there .... lifeless...
I lay next to him ... lifeless ...
A zombie have I been ... eversince ...
Searching him in the nights.

A mother cries each night ....
Mourning her unborn child ...
Somewhere the murderer sleeps ....
Waking up with a start ...
The cry ... so shrill ...
The howl ... so melancholy ....
How can the World sleep ...
When the mother runs pillar to post ....
Asking for justice?

He lay there ...
She set her gaze upon him ...
A steely resolve to get him justice ...
His death won't go unwarranted.

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