Sunday, August 5, 2012

When I am gone ....

When I am gone ....
When I vanish from the face of Earth ...
When I vaporize into thin air ....
When this mortal being doesn't exist ....
How will you traumatize further?

I shall leave this body ....
I shall leave this earth ...
I shall turn to ashes ...
Or, be the feed of fish ....
Whatever my fate be.....
How will you traumatize me further?

My heart says you shall regret what you did....
My head says forget it .... he won't ....
Common sense says ....
He will never know.

When I am gone ....
So many will rejoice ....
For I made their lives miserable ....
I made them see sense ....
Yet they chose to ignore it ...
Counsel given for free.

When I am gone ...
The birds and bees shall miss me ....
I know many ...
Who will genuinely miss me.
I know some ....
Who still miss me ....
I know ONE ....
Who really misses me ....
My Knight in shining armour ...
My Aviator ....
My beau ....
My first love ....
My last love ... too.

I know you are there for me ....
Always ....
Yet our paths are different ...
Our lives separate....
Yet you counsel me ...
Overlook all my mistakes.

My morning sunshine ....
My sunrise ....
My sunset too ... I guess.
My back up plan ....
As the last one quipped with jealousy....
Seeped in his voice.

When I am gone ...
I know ...
My life was worth living ...
Albeit for a short while ...
But a life well lived ...
And ...... on my terms.

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