Monday, August 6, 2012

Suddenly ....

Suddenly ....
When I finally let go ...
Am feeling so light ....
Like flying in the air ...
A different feeling ....
So much pain .....
Suddenly forgotten in a jiffy.
Moksha .... That's it ...
I am in a state of true moksha ....
A blissful, peaceful state of being ...
Nothing matters anymore ...
No past ... No future ....
The present .... just being happy.
Whatever happened matters no more ....
Am unaffected by it all ...
No clamoring for results ...
No pestering for justice ....
Just letting go ....
Deleting everything associated with those memories ....
A state of forgiving the other person ...
No more bad vibes ....
Just a smile ...
Long forgotten smile...
The tears washed away with the rain ...
A glowing face ....
And plans for a long pilgrimage...
Packing my bags ....
Just a few essentials ....
Embarking on a long journey ...
The end to which is not known ...
Going in search of myself ...
Rediscovering my true self again.

Suddenly ... am in heaven.

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