Monday, August 27, 2012

Crimson tide ....

The tide came in today .....
All crimson ...
As though someone's throat was slit ....
And he was left to die ....To drown ...
In the deep blue Ocean.

The sky opened up ...
And it is pouring like hell let loose ...
Guess, God too is letting go ...

I remember him at this time ....
Sitting by the window sill ...
The walk by the Sea face ...
The walk on the beach ...
The walk on the hill ....
I tell AGNI the whole story ....
He has to know ...
To know from the womb itself ...
He twists and turns .....
As though wincing in pain ....
Seeing his mother so sad ....
But, that's life ...
Sometimes it throws lemons at us ....
Better make lemonade and have it.

But, frankly I have no regrets.....
Time spent with him was full of happiness at least ...
Momentary yet a fulfilled  love life ...
He brought a smile on my face ....
His hugs gave me a reason to celebrate ....
Crimson hues but beautiful horizon ...
He was my Sunrise and ...
He is my Sunset.

Today,  I raise a toast in his memory ...
A memory of a bygone era ....
Memory of a lost love ...
Memory of a beloved ....
I wish him luck ...
I wish him happiness ....
There is no looking back ....
 There is no fast forward either.

Crimson hues ...
Crimson tide ...
Waves crashing on rocks ....
Drops of salty seawater on my face ....
What do I need?
Nothing .....
Just the total recall is enough to last me a lifetime.

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