Sunday, August 5, 2012

I am appalled ...

I am appalled ....
Shocked to say ...
But ....
She came to me ....
A sorry state to look at ....
With a baby in tow ...
Crying her heart out ....
Asking me to help her get justice ...
Speaking of four abortions ....
Asking to testify against him ...
Asking for proof against him ...
She took it all ...
I looked at the baby ....
Saw my own lost ones in her ...
I gave her everything ...
All the testimonials and proofs ....
And she turned tables ...
She was faking it all ...
She was only using the baby ...
To get proof against him ....
To use it to blackmail him ....
Just the way she used the baby....
To blackmail him into marrying her ...
Oh what a guileless, spineless ....
Woman she is ....
No shame ....
Using a baby to get a life of comfort.
Shame on her ....
Shame on motherhood...
She is a blotch to the word 'Mother'....
I cried looking at the baby ...
I did everything for the baby ...
Now, I wonder ....What will become of her ...
With such shameless characters as her parents ...
Such unscrupulous beings as her family ....
Her future is bleak ....
Sad! But, a glaring truth ....
Truth about our uncaring society ...
Very sad that the law keepers too ...
Turn a blind eye to such crimes...
A woman using her child ...
Like the beggars at traffic signals ...
Using babies to beg for a morsel of food.

I am appalled ...
Shocked to say ...
She is a blotch in the name of motherhood.

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