Thursday, August 9, 2012

Finally, it's all going to begin ...

We shall once again relive each moment ....
Each moment in front of others .....
Finally, ....
Finally it's all going to begin ....
Begin ... all over again... for you and me ....
But, this time round ....
Not as partners for life ...
But, as partners in strife...
A very sad way to end a relation...
A very sad way to begin animosity.

I have no regrets....
I have no apprehensions ...
I have lost everything ...
I have nothing to lose ...
Not even repute ...
You made sure ... of it...
So, at the end of it ...
You are the loser ... Not me ...
I am the giver ...
You are the taker...
One who snatched it all in one go.

The Lord watches over all of us...
You, me ... our loved ones....
Do not forget ...
One who lives in a glass house ...
Never throws a stone at others...
Your house is made of glass too ...
And a stone can shatter it too.
Before touching a woman ...
Consider this ...
You have a mother and sisters too ...
You have a daughter too ..
The other woman is someone's daughter too ...
And, her father watches over her from heaven ...
He watches every move of yours ...
He has designs for you.

Finally, the prodigal daughter returns ...
She returns with her dad's blessings ...
She returns with him beside her ...
She returns to haunt you.

Finally, it has all begun ...
Afresh ...
Every Daughter .....
Every Sister ...
Every Wife ...
Every Mother ...
Every Woman ...
Beware .....
Here comes the Werewolf ...
Spare him not ...
Grab the nearest weapon ...
And reduce the criminal to pulp.

Finally, the real war begins ...
The turf is clear ....
The Army in place ...
Every move determined ...
But, ye not know... My move yet.

This is the Mahabharata ...
This is my Kurukshetra ...
Behold .... hold your tongue ...
Lest you lash at me ...
And I retaliate with my arrows ...
Arrows of destruction ...
For I shall lay a bed of arrows for you ....
I shall lace your drink with blood ...
Blood of my unborns ...
The ones you killed in cold blood....
You shall repent ...
Coz' this Earth is your living hell.

I am Krishna ...
I am Arjuna ...
I pine for my Abhimanyu ...
The unborn we named 'AGNI' ...
You shall burn as I burn ...
For this is the last battle to be fought on Earth ...
For this is Kalyuga ...
This is our story ....
A saga to be told for generations to come.

Finally ... the story begins ...
Unfolds all its mysteries ...
People will read it with mouth open ...
Eyes wide with surprise.

Finally, it's all going to begin ...
AT the stroke of midnight ...
AGNI will rise from his ashes...
The Phoenix shall fly again.

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