Sunday, August 5, 2012

All World is a stage ....

Shakespeare had written ...
All World is a stage ....
And, we all are actors ....
Playing our roles.
The script is already written ....
We are just reading the dialogues ...
And playing our roles.
Some get good characters ...
Some get the hero's role ..
Some get the Heroine's role ...
Some play the Tragedy Queen.
We all have a part to play ...
You yours and I mine ...
We all need to act accordingly ...
We can't change what is fated ....
All we can do is ...
Give it our best shot.
We played the roles in ...
Mid Summer night's dream ....
We played it well ...
In The Merchant of Venice ....
We are still playing our roles ...
In the Greek tragedy ....
Taming of the Shrew ...
Being the best .....
Playing the part of Ariel ....
Singing the larky song ....
I remember Wordsworth ...
And  his lonely lass ....
Reaping and binding the grains....
then again, Frosts path to create ...
One of my own ...
I have miles to go before I sleep.
All World indeed is a stage ...
We are actors playing our roles.

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