Sunday, August 19, 2012

The cravings .... And, the Lollipop song....

The cravings for bizarre food ....
Awesome ..... incredible ...
Agni wants to have fish and chips ....
And guess what .....
Am on my toes ...
Frying fish and potato wedges....
The baby has me eating out of his hands ....
When he grows up....
Am going to really show him what he made me do ....
There are times when he craves for canapes'....
Middle of the night .... Orange Ice lollies....
People around wonder ...
Why me ... a grown up lady ...
Consumes loads of ice lollies....
But, it's not me ....
It's Agni ....
The baby is always hungry ....
Hungry for strange food.

One day, he wanted Lemon cheesecake at 2 am in the night ....
And guess what .... I made it for him ...
I love my babies ...
And, Agni tops the lists in strange demands.

The cravings are getting stranger day by day ....
And, like his father , he likes....
The mediterranean salad with steamed chicken in it ....
Sprinkled with capers and a vinaigerette of mayonnaise too.

Like his father, he likes Jumbo prawns ....
Crabs .... and the steamed momos from Mings Palace.
All the traits of him ....
Doesn't let me miss him  a moment ....
He fulfills every desire of a woman ...
I don't miss him no more ....
Agni has filled the void...
He keeps me busy and entertained.

The moment I play the Lollipop song his dad has sung ...
Agni turns in the womb ...
Letting me know ....
He loves it ... His dad's voice.
When I reminisce about his Dad....
Look at his photos ...
Agni gives a kick ....
Shaking me out of my reverie....

My baby is on his way ...
To fill my days with laughter ....
Once again there would be happiness...
Just a matter of time...
Just a matter of time and patience.

For now.... it's the lollipop song in the background ...
And his Dad's favourite....
Fish and chips ..... on the menu for now.

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