Friday, August 10, 2012

A lone woman's battle ....

A sense of Deja' Vu....
A slight relief ...
One milestone achieved ...
One step taken ....
An inch moved forward ...
Some progress ...
It's a long and lonely fight ...
A lone woman's battle ....
A fight till the end ...
A war that will see many casualties ...
A war that none will win ...
Yet, a war to be fought ...
A war for justice ...
For the rights of women labelled by the society ...
The so called law makers of the society ...
The so called Law keepers of the society ...
Who degrade women ....
Who disrespect their own mothers, daughters and sisters....
Now, it's a fight to bring them to their knees ...
If it has to be fought ...
So be it ....
The rest of the world on one side ...
Truth and justice on one side ...
I carry forth unabashed...
Unhindered by the defamation ..,.
A lone woman's battle ...
A battle for JUSTICE ...
Against all the odds.

There's no looking back ....
One step at a time ...
Long and lonely fight.

Seeing him in handcuffs today ....
My heart cried a bit ...
Yet, there was no remorse on his face ...
Arrogance and deceit writ large on his face ...
A belief that he could buy the Law ....
He tried ... his kith and kin are trying ...
They are disbursing money left, right and centre ...
To all and sundry ...
To avoid getting further remand ....
They are trying methods of intimidation ...
Yet, I steel my resolve and carry forth ...
The torch to light the path of justice.

I am no stranger to his antics ...
His dramatic ways ....
I see no shame on his face ....
No guilt at all.

His counsel called me names ...
Yet, I heard it all....
I flinched not a bit ...
For I know the truth ...
A naked truth about justice ...
A long way to go ...
A winding path laden with thorns ....
A path few dare to tread.
Am game for all the brickbats ....
Am game for all the labels ...
They are just labels ...
To picture me in bad light ...
To save the skin of a criminal.

They look at me in the court of justice ...
They look at me with hatred ...
Yet, they look at me with fear filled eyes ...
For they know ...
I am a woman of strong resolve ...
And shall fight tooth and nail ...
Till justice shall prevail.

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